The Brazilian mermaid goddess Iara is alive in the Amazon! Not sighted in some years, the green haired maiden is regarded as the protector of Brazil’s Amazon region.
Recently, in Santarem, Para (Brazil), people gathered in protest at the Pan Amazon Forum, which just ended on November 29, 2010. In protest against the Belo Monte Dam (the largest proposed dam project in the history of the planet), their bodies made a human banner, in the form of the mythical mermaid, on the shore of the Tapajos River, a major tributary of the Amazon. Students were gathering signatures in protest of the more than 60 hydroelectric dams the Brazilian government plans to build.
The results of the planned dam? Not only the release of more emissions than a coal plant, not only the displacement of the traditional-living Xingu people, but, after the area is opened, the mining that is sure to follow.
The Xingu Forever Alive Movement (Movimento Xingu Vivo para Sempre) is not accepting without protest the planned gigantic dam to displace the indigenous tribe.
They declare: Rios Vivos - The Rivers Are Alive (see photo); the rivers are their sustenance, not only of stomachs, but of way of life, cultural traditions carried on through millennia.
Rafaela Tavares Kawasaki writes, "When an Iara dies, her river dies with her."
Rios Vivos! Read more
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